- 多行注释也可用于多行打印
- Python中单双引号意义相同
- 格式化输出
- 数据类型
- for循环
- 列表(一)
1. 电影推荐
- 被解救的姜戈
- 华尔街之狼
- 阿甘正传
- 辛德勒的名单
- 上帝之城
- 焦土之城
- 绝美之城
2. 格式化输出
- 占位符
- %s string 字符串
- %d digit 整数 3. %ffloat浮点数
- e.g.:
name = Hanmsg = Name : %s %(name)
3. 数据类型
- 整型
- 长整型(Python不区分整型和长整型)
- 浮点型
- 布尔型
- 字符串
4. for循环
for i in range(3): print("i")
5. 列表★
a = ['1','2','3','4','5']# 增删改查# 查询-切片print(a[1:]) #取到最后print(a[1:-1]) #取到倒数第二个(顾头不顾尾)print(a[1:-1:2]) #步长默认为一print(a[3::-2]) #步长的正负代表方向# count-计算元素出现次数['to','be','or','not','to','be'].count('to')# index-查找某一内容的索引print(a.index('1')) #结果:0# 增加 append inserta.append('6') #默认插入到最后一个位置a.insert(1,'x') #插入到任意位置# extend-将一个列表的内容添加到另一个列表中a=[1,2,3]b=[4,5,6]a.extend(b) #结果: a = [1,2,3,4,5,6] , b = [4,5,6]# 修改-取值->赋值a[1] = 'y'a[1:3] = ['a','b']# 删除 remove pop dela.remove('1') #删除固定内容a.pop(1) #根据索引删除内容并返回删除的值del a[0]# 排序 reserve sorta.reserve()print(a) #结果为a的倒序a.sort()print(a) #按照编码从小到大排序
6. 作业
#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# @File : @Author: Ryoma# @Date : 2017/9/9# @Desc : # @license : Copyright(C), # @Contact : # @Software : PyCharm Community Edition# 制定商品价格name = ['iphone6','mac book','coffee','books','bicyle']price = [5800,9000,32,80,1500]# 购物车shopping_cart = []print("Welcome to JD")# 输入工资salary = int(input("Please tell me your salary:"))# 打印商品列表print("Now you can buy :")for i in range(len(name)): print("%s . %s---%s" %(i+1,name[i],price[i]))print("Input 0 to move")# 购买while salary: id = int(input("What did you want to buy:(1-5)")) if id == 0: break elif 0 <6 : if salary - price[id-1] >= 0: salary -= price[id-1] print("You buy a %s | balance is %s" %(name[id-1],salary)) shopping_cart.append(id) continue else: print("Sorry , you didn't have enough money!") break else: print("You can input 1-5 to buy!")# 退出if len(shopping_cart)>0: print("You have purchased these goods:") for i in range(len(shopping_cart)): print("%s---%s" %(name[shopping_cart[i]-1],price[shopping_cart[i]-1])) print("Your balance is %s" %salary) print("Looking forward to your next visit!")else: print("You have purchased nothing!")